Tool Kit for Equity & Justice in Local Climate Action Planning
We want your feedback! We see the Tool Kit as a living document, and as such, we welcome input on its content and updates from Wisconsin communities who are incorporating equity into their own climate planning. You can offer specific feedback on this form or contact us at any time.
A growing number of local governments in Wisconsin are adopting plans and policies to address climate change. Members of the Wisconsin Climate Table developed this Tool Kit to provide a resource for municipalities to center equity in their climate plans and policies, regardless of their size, budget, geography, or demographics. It is meant to ensure that historically marginalized communities will benefit first from climate policies and programs.
Municipal staff, policymakers, and local elected officials can use the strategies and resources in the Tool Kit to prioritize equity and prepare for potential funding opportunities that require adherence to environmental justice principles such as Justice 40.
The Tool Kit has four main components, which can be accessed through the links below. The Strategy Guide is the heart of the Tool Kit, and rather than a step-by-step guide or checklist, it offers a menu of options to choose from based on the unique characteristics of a community. Annotated lists of municipal examples from around Wisconsin and climate action plans from across the United States offer a curated list of best practices that can serve as models for communities looking to form or update their own climate policies and plans. Finally, a comprehensive list of resources such as guides and data tools are available in a fourth module. Planners and policymakers are invited to explore the Tool Kit from any starting point they choose.
The Tool Kit was developed through a collaborative process with members of the Wisconsin Climate Table’s Community Commitments Campaign through volunteer and pro bono support, research and review of best practices to underpin proposed strategies and national examples, and input from municipal staff and community leaders. As such, we see the Tool Kit as a living document, and invite planners and policymakers to offer suggestions and share the work from their communities using the contact form.
Learn more about the Tool Kit
Watch the March 2023 webinar to see what’s included in the Tool Kit:
New! Stories of Impact
We are collecting stories from people and communities on the front lines of climate change. Do you have a story to tell? Click here for the intake form. This project is a companion to the Tool Kit, and we hope to inspire lawmakers, changemakers, and advocates to implement policies that will ensure a healthy, sustainable future. Explore the StoryMap here.