Inclusive Community & Stakeholder Outreach & Input
Climate Action Plans are more effective and equitable when written and implemented with input from diverse stakeholders who reside within a locality and represent all ages, income levels, races and ethnicities, and abilities.
Are you engaging the full diversity of stakeholders and equitably incorporating their input from planning through implementation?
Examples of Data Needed for Equitable Strategy Development (Qualitative and Quantitative)
Identification of vulnerable communities. Refer to:
- CDC Social Vulnerability Index 2018 at the census tract level (available on DNR website)
- EPA’s Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool
- In process: Wisconsin Environment and Equity Tool (WEET). The tool will combine, analyze and visualize data online, so government and tribal agencies, community-based organizations, and the public can pinpoint Wisconsin’s most impacted communities. The tool will help all users better understand the challenges impacted communities face from pollution, a changing climate, socioeconomic factors, and other environmental and health hazards.
Examples of Equity-Based Municipal Strategies
Public Participation & Accessibility:
- Host public meetings, workshops, webinars, surveys, and other methods of connecting with associated communities
- Ensure participation from communities representing all demographics from different neighborhoods and commercial sectors
- Ensure special efforts are made so meetings are accessible and affordable to attend for all
Advisory Committees:
- Establish a community advisory committee comprised of diverse stakeholders, including residents, local government elected officials and staff, businesses, academia, philanthropic organizations, organized labor, faith-based groups, and other local interest groups.
Ongoing Input:
- Ensure advisory committee helps guide the overall planning process.
- Create a platform for valuable feedback throughout plan development.
Responsible Local Agency or Department
- Sustainability
- Planning & Community Development
- Communities can reach out to many of the same stakeholders that they engage with during the comprehensive planning process
- Lack of trust
- Lack of resources to support community participation
Municipal Examples
- Milwaukee City-County Task Force on Climate & Economic Equity
- Dane County
Resources and Contacts for Technical & Policy Support
- Justice 40 Accelerator
- ACEEE Leading with Equity
- Climate Reality Project
- EPA Environmental Justice
- EPA EJ Screening Tool
- Wisconsin Environmental Equity Tool
- Equitable and Just National Climate Platform
- Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE)
- Governing for Equity: Implementing an Equity Lens in Local Government